License Application Checklist Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Below is an example of what an application checklist looks like in the applicant licensure portal. Listed below the image is information regarding each item listed on the checklist.

A few items to note:
Any item that has an option listed to upload, it is the applicants responsibility to upload the requested item to the application portal.
Once an item no longer appears on the applicant checklist it means it has been received at the Board office.
Applicant Photograph – Upload a photo of yourself.
Fingerprint Cards from Applicant – These cards can be mailed or sent electronically (NC applicants in NC only, review the information found here for more information about fingerprint cards being obtained and submitted). If this item no longer appears on your checklist, that means your fingerprints have been received to the Board office. The Board does highly recommend and encourage applicants to send in mailed fingerprint cards with some sort of tracking.
*Note: It takes a minimum of 4 weeks from the date we send the fingerprint cards to the SBI to the date we get a clear background report back. If there are items on the background check that could delay license issuance.
Authority to Release Information Form – Please complete and upload this form to the portal. A blank form can be found here.
Online Background Check Submission – Please complete an online background check using the link on the Board’s website found here.
Background Check from Fingerprint Submission Complete – This is the report that the Board office receives from the SBI from processing the fingerprint card submitted by the applicant. It takes a minimum of 4 weeks from the date we send the fingerprint cards to the SBI to the date we get a clear background report back. If there are items on the background check that could delay license issuance. Once a clear report is received at the Board office, this item can be checked off the applicant checklist.
References Verified by NCBALB – There are a minimum of two references that need to be received and approved for this item. Reference request reminders are sent out periodically if the reference on the application has not responded. Once two references have been received. This item can be checked off the list.
BACB/QABA Certification – This is where you would upload proof of a current certification held from the BACB (BCBA or BCaBA) or QABA (QBA or QASP-S). Please note, expired certifications will not be accepted.
Education Verified – This item will be checked off along with proof of a current certification. This is no need to submit transcripts to the Board office.